How to drop a PostgreSQL database if there are active connections to it?

In PostgreSQL, you cannot drop a database if there are active connections to it. You must first terminate all connections to the database before you can drop it. Here are the steps you can follow to drop a PostgreSQL database with active connections:

1- Identify the active connections to the database you want to drop. You can use the following SQL query to list all active connections:


SELECT pg_terminate_backend(

FROM pg_stat_activity

WHERE pg_stat_activity.datname = 'your_database_name'

  AND pid <> pg_backend_pid();

 This query will terminate all connections to the database except for the current connection.

2- After running the above query, try to drop the database using the following SQL command:


DROP DATABASE your_database_name;

 If there are no more active connections to the database, this command will drop the database.

If there are still active connections to the database, you will get an error message indicating that the database cannot be dropped because there are still active connections. In this case, repeat step 1 to ensure all connections have been terminated, and then try again to drop the database.

Note that dropping a database will permanently delete all data in the database. Make sure to take appropriate backups and verify that you are dropping the correct database before proceeding.

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