PostgreSQL-Query: Sort result set by specific field values using ORDER BY Clause

Problem: Suppose we have a book_inventory table which has some columns such as id, isbn, title, author, publisher, publish_date, etc.. when we search the book by book "title" the result set should follow some rule in sorting the data. The rules are defined below.

1- First, the data sort by the title but searching value name.
2- Second, a new release book means result set should sort by publish_date, but it is on second priority.

Answer: This scenario can be implemented using the CASE statement with ORDER BY clause, to understanding the problem and its solution I am creating a book_inventory table, see the following script.

create table book_inventory
       id serial not null,
       isbn text,
       title text,
       author text,
       publisher text,
       publish_date date
--Insert some data in above table
insert into book_inventory
       'Dawn Brown',
       'The great',
       'Jane Austen',
       'The great job',
       'Harper Lee',
       'My great job',
       'Dilip Kumar Singh',
       'article of great leaders',

Now, we will write the queries to fetch data as per our requirement, and we will see the differences of result-set of the following PostgreSQL statements.

Step 1: In the following query, I will sort the data of the result-set by title value in ascending order. You will see the result-set is not as per our expectation.

select *
  from book_inventory
  where title like '%great%'
    order by title asc;


Analysis of result-set: Our expectation- Title should be sort from the value 'great' but result-set sorted by alphabetically.

Step 2: Now, I will write the query to sort by column value.

select *
  from book_inventory
  where title like '%great%'
    order by
       when title='great'
       then '1'
       else title end asc;


Analysis of Result-set: You can see the result is sorted by the value "great" but it not sorted as per our expectations. For assumption rows 1 and 2 is the wrong to place, these should be in place of each other if sort by publish_date.

Step 3: Now, the following query will sort the records as per our expectation, means first, it should be sort with column particular column (title) value and with publish_date too, execute the following query it will return the expected result-set.

select *
  from book_inventory
  where title like '%great%'
    order by
       when title='great'
       then '1'
       else title end asc
       ,publish_date desc;


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