Common Issue "Can't find module 'bcrypt'" in node.js

This issue comes much time when we are using PostgreSQL with Node.js, Error: Cannot find module 'bcrypt' in nodejs application, and we try again and again to install to bcrypt using 'npm install bcrypt'. There are some solution are given below you can try and fix the bug.
1- Try to the following command

npm install node-gyp -g
npm install bcrypt -g
npm install bcrypt -save

2- Sometimes it fixed using the following command

npm rebuild

3- Sometimes 'only npm install bcrypt' command works fine

4- bcryptjs don't have any dependency so no need install other resources, installation error may cause also. For the installation confirmation check the package.json file. If bcrypt is not available, then installation is unsuccessful then tries again to install.

Command: npm install bcryptjs --save

To use bcrypt: var bcrypt = require('bcrypt');
To use bcryptjs. var bcrypt = require('bcryptjs');

5- Virsion issue may also the cause of failure so before using npm install, change the package.json file dependencies, i.e.

"bcrypt":"0.7.6" to "bcrypt":"*"

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