HTML Text font Size

It is defines the text size (font size) for an HTML element: This attribute specifies the size of the text inside a <font> element. <HTML font size> sets the size of a font.

In HTML, we will use the HTML Text <font> tag to change the size of text .The font size the attribute specifies the  display of how large a font  on the web page or absolute terms.
The default font size is 3, and the largest font size is 7 that can be displayed in a browser

Example is given below

<h1 style="font-size:500%;"> Practice makes men perfect</h1>
<p style="font-size:12px;">We are a good human beings.</p>

On the web page result will show :

Practice makes men perfect

We are good human beings.

To increase or decrease the size of the font relative to the default size, use <font size="+num"> or <font size="-num"> , where "num" is a number. For example,
If we want to increase or decrease the size of the font  then we will use <font size="+num"> or <font size="-num">

Here we can easily understand the meaning of "num"
"num" = number
"+num"= increase the size of the font
"-num"= decrease the size of the font
"num" is from 1 to 7
An example is given below to make the text two sizes bigger: 

For increase the font size: syntax

<font size="+2">I am a bigger text.</font>

result will show on the web page:

I am a bigger text.

For decrease the font size: syntax

<font size="-1">I am a smaller text.</font>

result will show on the web page:

I am a smaller text.

For the tiny (smallest) text we will use this example :

<font size="1">I am a really smallest text.</font>

Result is given below:

I am a really smallest text.

My dear friends keep away from the tiny (smallest) text because it is so tiny and hard to read.

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)  is preferred this method for changing text size. HTML is less flexible than CSS but it is compatible with older browsers.

CSS syntax:

<p style="font-size:50px">come with us

The result will show:

come with us

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