What is ACID Property or Properties of the Relational tables?

The ACID rules of transaction in any database ensure the reliability of data in all transactions in the database.


Atomicity shows the ability of the database to assure that either all tasks of a transaction are performed or none of them. In other words, database modifications must follow an all or nothing. Each transaction is said to be atomic if when one part of the transaction fails, the entire operation fails.


Consistency assures that the database remains consistent state before the transaction and after the operation is over.
For Example, An application transfer fund from one account to another account, the consistency property ensures that the total value of transaction should be the same in both accounts at the start and end of the operation.  


Isolation assures that other operations can't be performed in an intermediate state during a transaction. As a result, transactions that run concurrently appear to be serialized.
For Example, DK Start transaction against the database at the same time, Singh issues the different transactions against the same database, both transactions should operate on the database in an isolated manner. The database performs DK's entire transaction or Singh's entire transaction but not together.


Durability is responsible for notifying the transaction is successful, the transaction will persist, not undone. It will survive system failure, and the database system has checked the integrity constraints and no need to abort the transaction.


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