What is difference between Out and Ref Keywords in C#

In C#, both the `out` and `ref` keywords are used to pass arguments to methods by reference, which means that any changes made to the parameters inside the method will also affect the original variables passed as arguments. However, there is a crucial difference between the two:

1. `ref` keyword:

  • When using `ref` keyword, the variable passed as an argument must be initialized before calling the method. The method can read and modify the value of the variable.
  • The variable passed as `ref` must be initialized because the method might not assign a new value to it before returning.
  • It allows two-way communication between the caller and the method.

Example of using `ref` keyword:

void ModifyValue(ref int x)


    x = x * 2;


int number = 5;

ModifyValue(ref number);

Console.WriteLine(number); // Output: 10

2. `out` keyword:

  • The `out` keyword is used when a method wants to return multiple values. Like the `ref` keyword, the `out` parameter must also be passed as an argument to the method.
  • The key difference is that with the `out` keyword, the variable passed as an argument does not need to be initialized before calling the method. The method must assign a value to the `out` parameter before it returns.
  • The method is obligated to assign a value to the `out` parameter; otherwise, it will result in a compilation error.

Example of using `out` keyword:

void GetValues(out int a, out int b)


    a = 10;

    b = 20;


int number1, number2;

GetValues(out number1, out number2);

Console.WriteLine(number1); // Output: 10

Console.WriteLine(number2); // Output: 20

In summary, the main difference between `out` and `ref` in C# is that `ref` requires the variable to be initialized before passing it to the method, and it allows two-way communication between the method and the caller, while `out` does not require initialization before passing and is intended for methods that return multiple values.

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